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Flat Fee





Trademark Applications

Official Fee

Our Fee


Filing Application in one class (electronic filing)




What's This?

In additional classes in the same Application (per class)




What's This?

Representation Fee before USPTO for foreign Applications under the Madrid Protocol designating US



What's This?

Statement of Use for ITU Applications

Official Fee

Our Fee


Filing Allegation/Statement of Use




In additional classes in the same application (per class)




Acceptance of Allegation/Statement of Use



Extension of time to file Statement of Use




In additional classes in the same Application (per class)




Approval of Extension of time to file Statement of Use



Prosecution of US Application

Official Fee

Our Fee


Review and Report of US Design Search Code



Review and Report of Office Action/Suspension Letter



Report of Examiner's Amendment (Call with Examiner)



Request to Divide Application



Preparing and Filing of Voluntary Amendment



Preparation and Filing of Office Action / Suspension Letter Response



Preparing and Filing of Request for Reconsideration



Preparing and Filing US Trademark Post-Publication / Post-Allowance Amendment



Reviving Abandoned Application

Official Fee

Our Fee


Review and Report of Notice of Abandonment



Petition to Revive Abandoned Application





Official Fee

Our Fee


Review of Notice of Publication



Review of Notice of Allowance and Transmission



Review and Processing of Registration Certificate for Accuracy



Trademark Renewal

Official Fee

Our Fee


Filing a Timely Renewal Application




In additional classes in the same Renewal (per class)




Filing Late Renewal in One Class




In additional classes in the same Renewal (per class)




TTAB Opposition/Cancellation

Official Fee

Our Fee


Filing an Opposition or Cancellation (per class)




In additional classes in the same Opposition (per class)




TTAB Appeals

Official Fee

Our Fee


Filing Notice of Appeal with the TTAB in one class




In additional classes in the same Appeal (per class)




Filing brief on Appeal with the TTAB



Trademark Assignments

Official Fee

Our Fee


Preparation of Assignment forms - 1st Mark



Preparation of Assignment forms - each additional mark



Recording Charges - 1st Mark




Recording Charges - each additional mark




Trademark Maintenance

Official Fee

Our Fee


File Use Affidavit §8(a) or §8(b) or §71 (per class)




In additional classes in the same Affidavit (per class)




Review and Report of Renewal Approval



In additional classes in the same Affidavit (per class)




Filing Incontestability Affidavit §15




Filing combined §8/71 & §15 (per class)




In additional classes in the same Affidavit (per class)




Filing Late Use Affidavit §8(a) or §8(b) or §71 (per class)




In additional classes in the same Affidavit (per class)




Filing Late Combined §8/71 & §15





The prices reflected here and on associated pages does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and Noli IP Solutions PC. Your case/matter may not qualify for a fixed/flat fee arrangement and, instead, may require a separate fee arrangement. Whether hourly or otherwise. The fees listed above may change at any time, and Noli IP Solutions PC reserves the right to change these fees when it deems appropriate and/or necessary. Each fee listed above covers only the service with which it is associated. It does not cover any other service or task not identified. This is not a comprehensive list of business-related tasks and services. Other tasks or services may exist that may require a separate fixed/flat fee or a different fee arrangement. The fees above also do not include any out-of-pocket expenses for items such as filing fees, postage, or expert fees; such expenses are passed on to the client unless otherwise provided in a separate writing between client and Noli IP Solutions PC.

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